Speed Limit


The safety and comfort of our residents is among our highest concern, so we take speeding and recklessness very seriously.

The posted speed limit for the community is ten miles per hour, and all STOP signs must be obeyed.

This applies to all roads within the community, and also applies to guests.

Note: All roads in the park are privately maintained but publicly accessed; therefore, all NYS traffic laws and enforcement apply.

The Erie County Sheriff’s office has informed us that they will include the Community in the patrol route and will enforce all laws, including traffic.


After three infractions (you will be notified in writing), the resident will receive a $50.00 fine, which will be added to your monthly Occupancy Charge (rent). Additional infractions will incur additional fines, legal action, and/or eviction.

Reporting Speeding/etc:

To properly follow up on reports, please gather as much detail as possible (i.e. Vehicle make, model, color, license plate number, driver name/description, location, lot numbers, etc.), then please file a Complaint Form to Property Management. Keynote insures all matters are handled legally and with discretion.

Reference: Community Rules §4.2

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