Home Improvement Time!

It’s that time of year again! That time when you just want to get outside and clean up your yard, and fix up the exterior of your home.

We encourage exterior home improvements, but we need to make sure they are performed properly, with all permits, approvals, and insurance required.

Simply by calling the community office (716-937-9693), you can inquire what you will need, often it is just an Exterior Modification Form to put on file with the community management. This form gives the community the dates of modification, who is doing the modification, and the contractor information.

Contractor Insurance: All contractors working on MCV premises must have insurance, and provide a certificate of insurance to the community office before the project begins. The office will request this from the contractor directly if certificate is not provided with the form.

You may need a Town of Marilla Building Permit or Demolition Permit for larger projects. Please contact the Town’s Building Department.


Why all the rules and regulations? There are a number of safety standards that must be met, but first and foremost, we must do our best to keep our community up to code. This is key to keeping our community licensed and operating.


Modification Form Only:

Simple repairs, small changes

  • Changing out skirting,
  • Exterior painting,
  • Removing lattice/trim,
  • Tarring/re-shingling a roof.


Modification Form and Building Permit:

Anything that modifies the exterior structure of the home

  • Erecting a new building on a lot
  • Demolition on a lot
  • Building a patio, deck, driveway,
  • Adding an addition to your home.


Interior modifications (remodeling) require no permits or authorization, provided they make no modification to the exterior of the home.

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